Stormbreaker: The Saga of Beta Ray Bill #1

Marvel ⋅ 2005

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Key Facts

First solo series featuring Beta Ray Bill

1st appearance of Stardust, an ancient cosmic being of indiscernible form who served as Galactus’s Herald

1st appearance of Alpha Ray Bill, a bio-engineered protector of the Korbinites

Copies ordered by retailers: 31,234

Issue Details




Andrea Di Vito


Michael Avon Oeming


May 2005


Beta Ray Bill jumps out of the pages of the now classic THOR series and finds himself the sole survivor of all that was Asgard. Will Beta Ray Bill escape the end of one world only to face his own end? Stormbreaker: The Saga of Beta Ray Bill is a mild crossover into Marvel's Avengers: Disassembled storyline, in which it somewhat continues Thor: Disassembled that saw the total destruction of Asgard and even Thor's "death". Written by Michael Avon Oeming with artwork by Andrea Di Vito, this tale delivers Beta Ray Bill's point of view to the point where he actually sees how Ragnarok has affected Asgard.

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