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Timely ⋅ 1940

Key Facts

Debut artwork by Jack Kirby at Timely (Marvel) Comics

1st appearance and origin of the Red Raven and the Eternal Brain

1st appearance of Mercury, later becomes Hurricane then retconned to be Makkari from Kirby’s ‘Eternals’

1st appearance of Pluto who is later retconned to become Kro from Kirby's 'Eternals'

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1st appearance of Magar the Mystic

This issue is the first appearance of a number of classical mythology characters but later appearances do not connect with these versions therefore they are not considered the mainstream Marvel depictions of the Olympians

1st appearance of Mercury (Hermes), Pluto (Hades), Jupiter (Zeus), Minerva (Athena), Vulcan (Hephaestus), Aeolus, Diana (Artemis), Apollo

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